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Natural way
to Natural life

Our Natural colours appears as a result of desiring Natural ones and respect to Nature.

The Choice Of Natural Thinking...

With our wide variety of natural colours and Food flavours
we are sure to help you to make the wright choice.

100% natural

Gemma prefers 100% natural production in natural colorants.

%100 healthy

Our Natural Colorants contain color pigments such as Anthocyanin, Betanin and Carotenoids, which are useful for your health.


It is a method by which a neutral institution audits production, confirms that production is carried out in compliance with standards.


It is a method by which a neutral institution audits production, confirms that production is carried out in compliance with standards.

The Choice Of Natural Thinking...

Why Gemma

Our production is the result of the desire for the natural and the respect for nature. Our target is to provide our customers with products at international standards by making domestic production.

We produce colorants in every color that is specific to customer demands with the production of naturally sourced colorants that we developed in our own laboratories. We prioritize customer satisfaction with a team with expertise and responsibility.

We produce superior quality with our production facility which has international food safety management system certificate. We deliver fast and reliable products. We are making production with halal and kosher certificates. We attach great importance to R & D investments by fulfilling the requirements of our mission. We provide engineering support in various fields where our products are used. We provide regulatory support for various food areas where our products are used.

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